2020 shopping project enhancements

As part of the Shared Services Development Programme, the following developments and enhancements are scheduled to go live at 11pm on Monday 1st June 2020. The following steps will provide information for Shoppers and managers on how to use the new Shopping and Supplier Apps as well as providing an overview of new functionality.

  • Supplier Master – Supplier view, creation and amendment
  • Simple Shop
  • Service Shop
  • Cross Company code shopping
  • Making Additional Use of Reference Purchasing Organisations including data migration relating to the change
  • Supplier Self Service improvements
Supplier Master - Search for and View a Supplier

Key features:

  • One App enables a user to search, Create and Change Supplier records
  • The App has search functionality enabling a shopper to search for a supplier and review the details before requesting a new supplier
    Supplier Master search
  • Information can be entered in more than one search field to refine the results returned and reducing search time
  • All appropriate suppliers will be displayed in a list. Users can drill into a specific supplier within the list to confirm the correct supplier has been selected
  • Bank account number can be used as a search term but when the supplier records are returned, the full account details are masked showing only the final 4 digits for security
  • The list will display the type of supplier for reference eg Commercial Supplier, if the supplier is available for shopping and if the record is blocked
  • Users will only view suppliers that are available for use within their Organisation or the Organisation they are searching on behalf of if they have cross-company access
  • Suppliers that have been marked for deletion will not be returned so users know the data is valid and up to date
Supplier Master - Supplier Create

Key features:

  • The initial input screen, once populated will show the user whether there is already a supplier that has similar details to those entered. A warning message will be displayed along with the list of possible matches. This will help to reduce the number of duplicate records created
  • The warning is for information only, it does not stop a user requesting the new supplier
  • Supplier create screen
    Mandatory fields are clearly labelled with an *
  • Improved form usability, through simplification of language used and introduction of pop-out guidance within the form
  • Additional fields have been added to the form requesting information required for Supplier Self Service set up. This will improve the process for Supplier Self Service set up
  • Inbox notifications to inform users, where in the process the request is (See User inbox notifications)
Supplier Master - Supplier view, create and amend video

Press the image to play the Using the Supplier Master app to view, create and amend a supplier record video demonstration. When the video plays you can adjust the quality of the video by clicking on the cog in the bottom right corner.

Still image of Supplier view, create and amend video

Supplier Master - Special Supplier Types
The following supplier types will only be available to users who have the specific security role to raise them and they will automatically post to SAP without approval by the IBC FDM team:
  • Individuals who are not sole traders
  • Grant recipients
  • Pre-paid card suppliers
  • Invoice Plans

To request access for a user to set these suppliers up once the enhancements go live, managers must request access via the IBC portal Access Request Form. The form will route to FDM who will confirm with the Section 151 officer or named individual ahead of approving the request.

Supplier Master - user inbox notifications

Key features:

Inbox notifications will inform users where in the process the Supplier requests are. The information is located underneath the action icons on the work item in My Inbox:

  • Awaiting approval from Corporate Procurement
  • Awaiting approval from FDM
  • Created and blocked – awaiting Supplier self service registration
  • Unblocked and available for use

All Supplier request and amendment forms will be available to users through My Form list so can also be viewed here.

This will enable users to direct enquiries to the appropriate team and also to follow up with suppliers for Supplier Self Service registration if required.

Press the image to play the Inbox notifications video demonstration. When the video plays you can adjust the quality of the video by clicking on the cog in the bottom right corner.

Still image of Inbox notifications video demonstration

Simple and Service Shop

Key features:

  • Users will only be able to see suppliers that they can use, within their organisation
  • Suppliers marked for deletion will not be visible
  • Improved form usability, through simplification of language used, re-ordering of entry fields and simplified searching
  • Pop up help text is available throughout the apps
  • Ability to expand vendor text box to view all the text that will be visible on PO line
  • Users can set a default storage location and delivery address and pick from a drop down of options only relevant for their organisation
  • Revenue/ Capital default once account assignment category has been selected. Users no longer need to chose the correct option
  • Contract reference field available in Simple Shop
  • Either rows or specific fields can be copied down in Simple Shop reducing unnecessary manual data input

Video demonstrations

Press the images to play the Simple Shop and Service Shop video demonstrations. When the video plays you can adjust the quality of the video by clicking on the cog in the bottom right corner.

Simple Shop

Still image of simple shop video demonstration

Service Shop

Still image of service shop video demonstration

Cross Company Code Shopping video demonstration

Any users with cross company code access must ensure they select the correct organisation at the top of the page before beginning to shop.

Press the image to play the Cross Company Code Shopping video. When the video plays you can adjust the quality of the video by clicking on the cog in the bottom right corner.

Still image of Cross Company Code Shopping video

Purchasing Organisations

This change ensures that shoppers only see and use suppliers/goods which are relevant to them within the organisation/s that they have access to.

This change will stop shoppers raising carts against suppliers they cannot use, reducing errored carts.

Cross company code shoppers will need to know which purchasing group is associated with which company code when they are shopping (see cross company code shopping video)

Shopping purchasing org Areas of business shopping purchasing org responsible for Area of business name Purchasing Group assignment Comments
9998 1000 HCC 140 Supplier set up in this selection will automatically be available to HCC Schools
9998 4000 County Supplies 140 Supplier set up in this selection will automatically be available to HCC Schools
9998 5000 Non-HCC activities 140 Supplier set up in this selection will automatically be available to HCC Schools
9998 5001 Hilliers 140 Supplier set up in this selection will automatically be available to HCC Schools
9997 - schools 1000 HCC Schools 101/100  
9996 3000 HFRS 300  
9995 9010 HC 910  
9994 9011 OPCC 911  
9993 9020 OCC 400 Supplier set up in this selection will automatically be available to OCC Schools
9992 9029 OCC Pensions 402  
9991 - schools 9020 OCC Schools 407  
9990 9030 LBHF 930  
9989 9039 LBHF Pensions 939  
9988 9040 RBKC 940  
9987 9049 RBKC Pensions 949  
9986 9050 WCC 950  
9985 9059 WCC Pensions 959  
Supplier Self Service
  • Suppliers who supply more than one organisation can register with only one email address
  • Suppliers can link to multiple SAP records from one contact profile
  • Within SSS, suppliers will have the ability to toggle between their SAP records with different partner organisations and link to new accounts which they have authority to see
  • Individual supplier details will be managed separately so do not need to hold the same details

Adding and managing supplier records

Supplier contacts can add and manage multiple supplier records to one account.

The banner shows where the user is able to switch account.

Supplier Self Service - managing accounts

Toggle between records to view and amend details.

The banner clearly displays supplier number in current view.

Supplier Self Service - choose an account screen

Key dates for app downtime
App Impact Time and date from Time and date to
Request Supplier Unavailable 6pm Sunday 17 May 11pm Monday 1 June
Request Supplier Change Unavailable 6pm Sunday 17 May 11pm Monday 1 June
e-Store (ncl. 'Can't Find', 'My Carts' and 'punchouts' Unavailable 6pm Friday 22 May 11pm Monday 1 June
Simple Shop Unavailable 6pm Friday 22 May 11pm Monday 1 June
Service Shop Unavailable 6pm Friday 22 May 11pm Monday 1 June
Create Invoice Plan Unavailable 6pm Friday 22 May 11pm Monday 1 June

Local arrangements may require this to be earlier, ensure you follow you organisational communication.

Other processes impacted by shopping downtime

Process Impact Time and date from Time and date to
Supplier Self Service View / Edit Supplier Details unavailable 6pm Thursday 21 May 6pm Saturday 30 May
Supplier Self Service Unavailable 6pm Saturday 30 May 11pm Monday 1 June
Contract set up Unavailable 6pm Thursday 14 May 11pm Monday 1 June
Catalogue updates Unavailable 6pm Thursday 14 May 11pm Monday 1 June

Local arrangements may require this to be earlier, ensure you follow you organisational communication.